Dominique Lestel (trans. Matthew Chrulew), The Animality to Come: The Time of Transpecies Animals Approaches
Audrey Appudurai, Ionat Zurr & Shaun P. Collin, Cernentia: Integrating Science and Art to Explore the Visual Perception of Lungfishes without Eyes
Adam Brown & Deb Waterhouse-Watson, Playing with Other(ed) Species: Games, Representation, and Nonhuman Animals
Jane Mummery, Debbie Rodan & Marnie Nolton, Making Change: Digital Activism and Public Pressure Regarding Livestock Welfare
Angela Campbell, Performing Extinction: I, Animal and They Saw a Thylacine
Thomas Sutherland, Mediation and Metaxý: The Interval between Analog Animality and Digital Humanity
Vinciane Despret (trans. Brett Buchanan), Y for YouTube: Are Animals the New Celebrities?
Yvette Granata, Processing/Lampreys: Photo-Fiction as Digital Parasite Aesthetics
Hörner/Antlfinger, from ABOUT to WITH
John Ryan, Flick(e)ring Cockatoos: New Media as Zoopoetic Space
Claire Henry, Regarding the Dignity of Dogs: Failures of Perception in Viral Videos
Celeste Lawson & Mike Danaher, Hashtag Flying Fox: ‘It’s always Halloween in Australia’
Editor’s Introduction: Research in the Humanities
Toby Miller, Humanities Bottom to Top: The Cognitariat and Publishing
Martine Corompt, Ian Haig & Darren Tofts, The Kipple Institute
John Kinsella, Et in Arcadia Ego, Not: On Collaborating with Thurston Moore
Robert Briggs, Who Knows? Humanities Research in ‘Computerized societies’
Lori Emerson, What’s Wrong with the Internet and How to Fix It: An Interview with John Day
Francis Russell, In Media Res: Review Essay
Robert Briggs, Who Will Have Come to Have Read This? In Memory of Niall Lucy (1956-2014)
Adrian Martin, Film Theory of the Asymmetrical Prostate
Darren Tofts & Rowan Wilken, The Congress: Una Imagen Cautivadora, Oscura
Joel Gn, Addictive Bodies and Hypnopompic Dynamics
Louis Armand, The Meridian
Francis Russell, Baudrillard’s Endgame: The Question of Radical Politics
McKenzie Wark, Where Next for Media Theory?
Marcus Westbury, Renewing Newcastle
Norie Neumark & Maria Miranda, The Way We Do Things—Destabilized
Lisa Gye, From Information Literacy to Procedural Literacy: Or, How to Be Literate in Algorithmic Culture
Tony Thwaites, Three Ways of Going Crazy: Renewing Ourselves to Death
Robert Briggs, Transmission Interrupted: Renewing Education and Heritage
Jason Potts & Trent MacDonald, The Future of Cities as Non-Territorial Public Goods Clubs
Scott McQuire, Renewing the City: Digital Networks and the Renewal of Public Space
Robert Briggs & Niall Lucy, Art as Research?
Ken Miller, Graphology Relapse
Benjamin Forster, The Accumulation of Sediment
Martin Štefl, Stelarc and the Body
Nicole Pepperell, The Exorcism of Exorcism: The Enchantment of Materiality in Derrida and Marx
Jane Mummery, Proper Responses: On Spectrality
Glen Fuller, The Event Mechanics of Loyalty
Tero Karppi, Exploring Augmented Reality: On Users and Re-wiring the Senses
Tama Leaver, Michele Willson & Mark Balnaves, Transparency and the Ubiquity of Information Filtration?
Robert Briggs & Niall Lucy, Frame #1: ones & zeroes, light & shade (dimensions: 4, easter eggs: 3)
Darren Tofts, Unfinished Gesture #3
Clare Birchall, Peter Woodbridge & Gary Hall, How to Do Justice to Media Specificity: Or, Should This Video be Left to Speak for Itself?
Clare Birchall, Peter Woodbridge & Gary Hall, The Post-Secret State: Openness and Transparency in the Era of Gov 2.0
Tony Thwaites, Bound to Hear: Exergue and Interpellation
Chantal Faust, Becoming Undone
John Kinsella & Simon Critchley, Graphology Variorium 1-10
Baden Pailthorpe, Lingua Franca
Paul Bowman, Film Culture Crossover: Film Fight Choreography and the East/West Binary After Bruce Lee
Mark Amerika & Chad Mossholder, Shuffle Bag
Mark Amerika, Seminar
Ctrl-Z: New Media Philosophy
ISSN 2200-8616